Wednesday, 8 June 2011

ePortfolios or just Portfolios...

Helen Barrett's article Balancing the Two Faces of ePortfolios outlines the uses of eportfolios as a way of preserving, reflecting on and showcasing a learning journey.  Lydia, Janna and I used a PowerPoint presentation to enlighten our PE3 class to the benefits not only for us as teachers and our own journey but also as a replacement for the paper portfolios that many primary students bring home at the end of each school year.

The reflection of the journey should be the key feature of any portfolio and will enable us to get the most benefit from the process.

Being a new member of the Web 2.0 revolution PowerPoint does seem a little rudimentary now after all we have learnt this semester but sometimes you just have to get the information out there!


1 comment:

  1. thanks again for the final presentation of portfolios - well informed by the Barrett paper.MK.
