Monday 4 April 2011

The wonder of technology and the digital story

Today in class we had a guest speaker, unexpectedly she was a guest via video conferencing.

Our guest, Carmel, is a teacher who specialises in ICT, she is a Maths teacher and uses digital story telling with her class.  It was eye opening to think about using digital story telling in KLAs such as Maths and Science.  I have had very little experience with digital story telling so far however I can see that it could be a valuable tool especially for upper primary.  I will be in a Year 2 class for prac this semester so it is possible I could do a digital story with them. 

Matthew has just posed a question as I am typing this post - how do you deal with fast finishers or children who are struggling to get the work finished?  Well I think one possible solution would be to get the fast ones to help the not so fast ones.  Carmel told us that kids love to help their peers, this could be a solution to both issues.  Great presentation even if it was via Skype!


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