Saturday, 28 September 2013


Today I was lucky enough to take part in a conversation on Twitter with educators from around the world. The theme for the chat was supporting new teachers.  Every few minutes one of the moderators would post a new question that everyone would answer.

Not only did I make quite a few new connections, I also learnt that there are many teachers out there who are willing to help new or early career teachers. 

One of the questions asked during the chat was how could universities equip new teachers better for their career?  This struck a chord with me as throughout my degree I have been disappointed by the number of lecturers who are not connected via social media.  So many still warn us about the dangers we may face.  Also not that many of my colleagues are active on twitter, nor do they understand the support and learning that can happen in 140 characters.  

From what I can see and from what I have experienced, social media can be so helpful, not only in answering the many questions new teachers can have but by providing a network of like-minded people who are passionate about their profession.  These are the people I want to work with, collaborate with, learn from.  

So if you are a new career teacher or a teacher who is new to social media, get involved, join the conversation. You will be pleased you did :)

Thanks to @stringer_andrea @mrshollyenglish @pjfairbrother for today's #satchatoc  

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