2 Ps in a PODcast
I am not new to the world of blogs, I have listened to a fair few podcasts and vodcasts in my time but I have never starred in my own. Well this week in class we were required to create a podcast. This may sound simple enough and quite frankly it was. We played around in Garage Band in the Mac Lab, we found cool tunes to use with our own words, we had written scripts, practised them, we even recorded them. (Not so great in a room of 30 other people all trying to record their own tracks!) I then came home and did it all again in Aviary (PC user not a Mac in sight) just so I could hear only my voice.
For our podcast we could choose from a few different prompts - being the movie lover I am I went with the one about 3 inspirational movies for preservice teachers. Yay - I got to watch movies for my homework!!
Anyway what is all this leading to you may ask? Well, my very first podcast! 3 Movies is the title - catchy I know! So here it is for your enjoyment.
3 Movies
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well done here Jane! MK.