Thursday 17 March 2011

How can IT be meaningful?

After reading Belinda's insightful post about Jonassen's meaningful learning article it made me wonder how can we, as teachers, incorporate IT into our classrooms without it just being a gimmick?  I really like the idea of using technology in the classroom, however as with everything else in life, how do we make it count? Sure my kids love using the computer but does it make them learn and if it does, is it meaningful, does it make them THINK? Jonassen talks about technology-as-partner and children learning with technology and not from technology - this is our challenge and no doubt it will be an ongoing one.  

So far in this subject there have been many questions raised and many challenges set.  I keep asking myself questions and hope that over this semester I will find at least some of the answers.  If I use Jonassen's Characteristics of Meaningful Learning model as my guide I may just make it - remember active, intentional, constructive, authentic and cooperative.  

Will your learning be meaningful?
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